Live home space


Payment terms for a LiveHome project
Project and order : A project refers to home design undertaking for a single home. Multiple orders can be placed for a single project (for eg., one order for modular products, a separate one for services such as civil work). Payments are processed on an order level.

Booking LiveHome for your home : You can book your decor project with Basil by paying a booking fee which is charged at 10% of the estimated order value. The booking fee is adjusted against future orders of the project.

Execution milestones for an order
Mentioned below are the types of orders and pre-defined execution milestones for a clear picture of your payment schedule. At the execution milestone, 40 – 50% of the work in terms of the order value, is completed. Once the order reaches this milestone, the balance 50% payment is due.

Order TypeOverview of work involvedExecution Milestone(Pay Balance50%)Handover
Order Type 1Civil & MEP (Mechanical, Engineering & Plumbing)MEP base work & POP (Plaster of Paris completion)MEP fixtures & fittings, final painting & handover
Order Type 1Genie Furniture (Workshop)Carcass quality check completionInstallation & handover
Order Type 1Genie Furniture (On-site)Wood framework completionInstallation & handover
Order Type 2Catalogue productsNAPay balance 50% for delivery & Installation

Terms & Conditions
Delays in making a payment at any stage can cause a delay in the project completion. Live Home is not liable for any such delay.
In case of project cancellation after 50% payment, we are unable to refund any money